How to Recruit Top-Tier Digital Marketing Talent

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Marti Willet, President, Digital Marketing Recruiters, was featured in MarketingProfs providing tips on how to revruit top-tier digital marketing talent.

Projected to be worth $1.5 trillion globally by 2030, the fast-growing digital marketing and advertising sectors are certainly having their moment in the spotlight.

So why are competitive companies having so much trouble finding world-class marketing talent?

Part of the problem lies in the breadth of the overall digital marketing field. There are numerous specialty and subspecialty roles under the generalized umbrella term “digital marketing.” That versatility and diversity gives digital marketing its power; however, it’s also why it can be hard to find people with the right expertise and training to fill super-specific positions.

Too often, companies encounter the frustration of meeting candidates who look great on paper but aren’t a good “real-world” fit. What makes an applicant sound knowledgeable on a resume doesn’t always translate to that applicant’s having the in-depth experience or skills to do the job.

The understandable result: hiring managers become increasingly concerned they’ll never find suitable digital marketers for their teams.

The good news is that looking for top-tier digital marketing gurus isn’t the same as hunting for unicorns. Exceptional candidates with impressive abilities are out there, but most companies don’t have the in-house time, resources, or people to search for them.

Specialized recruitment agencies, however, do.

Why Use a Recruitment Agency for Digital Marketing Talent?

Specialized recruitment agencies that focus on bringing clients digital marketing talent can be gamechangers for companies of all sizes.

Unlike generalist staffing firms, specialty recruitment professionals drill down on sourcing and recruiting for narrow skillsets and positions. They also tend to personalize their relationships with client companies, working hard to understand their clients’ unique digital marketing talent needs.

That commitment to detail enables the recruiting agency to funnel only those people toward their clients’ openings who can both “walk the walk” and “talk the talk.”

There are additional advantages of using a recruitment agency when searching for digital marketing experts.

The biggest is the reduced risk of making a poor hiring choice. Offering employment to the wrong person can cause a lasting and expensive ripple effect across a marketing department and a company. On average, a bad hire costs an employer about $17,000. That’s an expense to avoid if possible.

How does working with a marketing talent recruitment agency temper the “bad hire” risk? The agency takes on the responsibility of vetting applicants at the earliest stages, helping to eliminate candidates whose performance would likely be lackluster.

Could a generalized recruiter try to do something similar? Maybe. But generalized hiring firms don’t have the lightning-focused experience to vet for digital marketing. Digital marketing is a nuanced industry; understanding which candidates can make an impact right away requires an in-depth understanding of how digital marketing works at micro and macro levels.
